Turn efficiency ideas into working solutions.

We are a project management and technology consulting firm. Our mission is to optimise your business processes so you can focus on what you do best: serving your customers.

About Us

We empower businesses to streamline their operations and unlock their full potential. Our comprehensive suite of services encompasses business analysis, strategy development, and project management for product development, ensuring your initiatives are aligned with your organisational goals. We specialise in workflow implementation, optimising your tech stack, and automating processes to enhance efficiency and productivity.

Our experienced professionals collaborate closely with you to understand your unique challenges and deliver tailored solutions that drive growth and maximise your competitive edge. Whether you’re seeking to optimise existing systems or embark on transformative digital initiatives, we are your trusted partner for navigating the complexities of modern business landscapes.

Increase productivity
Reduce waste

Complete solutions for

your digital business

We take a personal approach to project execution, which translates into an improved customer experience for the businesses we serve. 


We’re proud to partner with
globally loved brands.

Creatively Prepared, Accurately Delivered (CPAD)

Go Global

Start Here

We’re committed to delivering value-driven solutions quickly. Our team has broad knowledge of various industries and markets, which means we’re able to provide tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

Let us help you achieve your business goals. 

Contact us today to learn more.

Cohenit Limited was founded on the belief that businesses should be able to focus on serving their customers without getting bogged down by manual administration tasks or bottleneck inefficiencies.
Team Leader, Cohenit
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